We elected to stay another day in Hanmer, to catch up on writing updates. We'd found the bakery in Hanmer to be excellent, so it was that we decided pies would be a fitting breakfast. The kebab store was also great, so we picked up lunch there.

Then I settled in to catch up on about a dozen updates. Emma, being somewhat more up to date than I, was able to go for an afternoon cycle around the Easy Rider Track.

It took until near midnight. My thumbs were protesting loudly by the end of it. A Bluetooth keyboard would make the whole process take a third of the time. But it's hard justifying carrying the extra few hundred grams.


Metric Info
Day 56
Start Hanmer Springs
Finish Hanmer Springs
Km 0
Meters climbed 0
Moving time 0
Terrain Bed
Lunch Kebab
Accommodation Motel