A long awaited zero day in Tekapo was finally upon us. We grabbed breakfast and lazily wandered the shops looking for socks or underwear. They don't sell any underwear, anywhere, in Tekapo. Then we sauntered on down to the pools. We'd been looking forward to the hot pools all the way from Bluff. We spent a good 3 hours soaking, it was glorious.

Then we walked back to town, following the lake.

Then it was time to get to work, catching up on blogs. I wasn't terribly successful. An excuse for another day off tomorrow.

We finished the night with some fish and chips, and a food resupply ta the four-square. It's a 5.5 day section ahead to get through to the Rakaia river. We are thinking we'll attempt the 2.5–3 hour Rangitata crossing. But we've had about 1.5 days of dehydrate sent along with our shoes to Mesopotamia, so we'll only need to carry 4 days worth... 125,000 kJ. We had about 45,000 kJ in the packs from some rough mental math, so we shopped for 80,000 kJ.


Metric Info
Day 32
Start Tekapo
Finish Tekapo
Km 0
Meters climbed 0
Moving time 0
Terrain Hotpools
Lunch Pie, chips, dip and Snickers
Accommodation YHA Tekapo