
The ease of turning up at plan a accommodation and being welcome to the 'basic' tent site. Complete with vegetables and herbs, running water, seats and table undershelter, toilets.I took of the ofter of a shower inside and washed/air my clothes in the sun on a actually washing line.

I gave the table and couch a dust off and de-web for the next walkers to enjoy.


Any podcast recommendations?I've already listened to most of RNZ and are now making my way thur true crime ones. Which can be a bit bleak.I started the day without reception so listened to Game of Thrones for the most part.



Metric Info
Day 658
Start Remiger reserve
Finish Dome Café
Km 22.4
Meters climbed 891
Moving time 5:43
Terrain Farm, forrest & country roads
Lunch Wrap with
Accommodation Tent