
This evenings veiw. The clouds cleared as we moved from the bushline to the top of Mt Starveall. It was calm and so quiet.
Kahurangi National Park to the west, Mt Royal to the west.


SOBO's had highlighted the difficulty of Rintoul to Little Rintoul with bluffs between the two.
Walking this sectoin my mind switched to worst case scenario.
Others had done it, what if i couldn't. Could I go back or would I be forever stuck on Mt Rintoul... I tryed not to look at where we were headed, focusing on my immediate foot steps.

Turn's out it was fine, I was quite capable.
Maybe we had the easier direction (climbing up), and we had experienced similar terrain already.


Don't over think things Emma.


Metric Info
Day 69
Start Mt Rintoul hut
Finish Starveall hut
Km 19.1
Meters climbed 1763
Moving time 9:15
Terrain Steep track
Lunch Snacks
Accommodation Tent