
I can see the water

After leaving Colac bay ~60 days ago we last spotted  the moana (ocean) from a high point on the Tākitimu range.
Today we see Te Tai-O-Aorere / Tasman Bay and Nelson.

We had heared the track between Upper and Mid Wairoa was challenging: sliddling a river and swarming with wasps. We imagined a track similar to Timaru River (one of our worst days).
It was not, the track was well defined and was always wider than two feet. There were even a couple of fun little rock climbs.


We awoke in the morning with the sound of gusty wind. We knew there would be more of this as we  head up over an exposed saddle.
Channeling the coast 2 coast runners crossing the Deception River with momentum, I increased my pace over the top of the saddle. Only a couple of times we needed to brace ourselfs with our poles.


Metric Info
Day 67
Start Hunters hut
Finish Mid Wairau hut
Km 16.7
Meters climbed 1642
Moving time 6:45
Terrain Ridge and river
Lunch Salami, chesse, cracker
Accommodation Hut