
Today I put on clean clothes! That is clothes washed in a washing machine and lined dried. What a treat. I had desired washing before getting on the river, but hadn't yet had such an opportunity. Normally feeling gross wearing rain gear in the interim, I was not phased at all this time. Anything was a welcome relieve from my well worn walk and sleep layers.

George served up a cooked breakfast and Rob hosted a garden tour for Kerstie and Roger. I got packed up, before a photo shoot and goodbyes.  Charlie had left earlier - bound for a bus to Palmerston North, to make a start on the Tararua range while the weather was good. Kerstie and Roger were booked on the later bus to Palmerston North and flight home for a short departure from the trail.

Throughout this trip there has always been aspects of familiarity. Mixed with some new. A different pace, perceptive, people, weather ect.

  • I had biked the timber trail twice - it was a whole new experience doing it on foot.
  • I had stayed in Ōwhango, but never used the public toilets.
  • I had tramped the Tongariro Northern Curuit, & Round the Mountian, but not the complete Tongariro crossing.
  • I had paddled the Whanganui Journey before, but not further than Pipiriki.
  • I had been to Whanganui once before, tagging in on Trent's work trip. We went up the Durie elevator - but hadn't walked in and out of town before.

It was quite different from our Te Araroa journey last year, where most places were completely new.


I'm not sure if this fits more in to the challenge or learning of the day category...I may make this choice again if in a similar situation.

Looking on the map the track appeared to have some extra TA kms, following the river right to it's mouth and the back along the beach. Visually it appeared that, I could easily cut through the grass paddock. I followed a sheep track, making a tack for the ocean. The natural track disappeared and I followed along some do not dig, gas under ground. I did physically fight my way over the most dense of it. And finally came out at a 4wd track. I rolled under the barbed wire and walked freely for the first time in a couple of km. Overhead a super flock birds squawked.


Down on small notes (as I used them at the Flying Fox), I only had $20 ones. A tent site would set me back $10, a power one $16. Without any change I picked a powered one, I had no use for the power feature - but these site were closer to the facilities. I did not want to walk any more than I had to. My feet were still healing. I had a timed shower, just to wash my feet. Looks like I had cut my left leg on something. Probably during the bush bashing.


Metric Info
Day 400
Start Whanganui
Finish Koitiata
Km 38.1
Meters climbed 260
Moving time 9:05
Terrain Road + bush bashing
Lunch Cream doughut
Accommodation Camping ground