
A twightlight addition of the Remarkable Market was on this evening just across the road. We had frist and second dinner there, and admired local arts, crafts and music.


Reinforcing the tent peg ropes with stronger rope. A bit of knot tieing practice, and the ropes are not quite the same lengths. Should hold up better in windy conditions.


Great customer service from Patagonia. As we arrived at tonights accommodation, I noticed a hole in Trent's shorts. Patagonia were more than happy to organise a replacement pair. Trent headed back to Outside Sport (which we visted this morning), via bus.


Metric Info
Day 17
Start Queenstown central
Finish Queenstown Frakton
Km 16.9
Meters climbed 146
Moving time 4:12
Terrain Urban trail
Lunch Iced coffee
Accommodation Hotel